MacDonald Red Tape Review: LEAF’s Comments

LEAF welcomes the findings of the new report ‘Striking a balance: reducing burdens; increasing responsibility; earning recognition’.

Put together by the independent Farming Regulation Task Force chaired by Richard MacDonald to:

identify ways to reduce the regulatory burden on farmers and food processors through a review of relevant regulations and their implementation, and advise on how best to achieve a risk-based system of regulation in future whilst maintaining high environmental, welfare and safety standards.

In particular we welcome the logic of the recommendation for earned recognition.

This will support LEAF’s own calls to recognize those farmers that are members of private-sector assurance schemes, such as the LEAF Marque, and have clearly demonstrated their commitment to delivering businesses that respect the regulation, but also wish to deliver a truly sustainable business, contributing effectively and proactively to the green economy.

LEAF also accept its own responsibility of delivering a standard that is robust, practical, realistic, achievable and adds value to the farmers and growers, both through the market place and also through delivering a more sustainable business.

The governance of LEAF Marque is critical and with the stakeholders that are involved in the LEAF Marque committees we acknowledge and note that as LEAF Marque is developed it is not equally bureaucratic and process-driven as the inspections the industry is looking to reduce.

We are looking forward to working on taking these recommendations forward over the coming months.

One response to “MacDonald Red Tape Review: LEAF’s Comments

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